Vault of Deknar: Part Seventeen
Chapter: Season Seven
In the original script for this strip I had some flavor text from Jeanie but after I finished this panel I decided to just let it speak for itself.
I hope you dig it.
In the original script for this strip I had some flavor text from Jeanie but after I finished this panel I decided to just let it speak for itself.
I hope you dig it.
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HT: An empty chamber with a metal pedestal glowing with magma and a wicked looking gauntlet? NOTHING CAN GO WRONG!
When’s Thanos gonna pop up?
Thank you, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought “INFINITY GAUNTLET!!!”
I was going to write
“Fine. I’ll do it myself”
Shiny! Go get it!
Any chance for flavor text at some point, I like that
We wants it…
It is a really gorgeous panel. Excellent work.
I Love the Power Gauntlet…its so bad.
I dig it!
If this starts them on a series of quests to retrieve various rocks of might (stones of ability, mayhaps?) then I’m going to continue reading & enjoying the comic.
It’s Iron Man! NAILED IT!!!
Or maybe it is the Gauntlet of the tired 8*?
*Infinite is just a 8 that got tired so it lied down.
Is that a Power Glove? It looks like a Power Glove.
If he really wants to get it, he’s going to need a hand.
That must be it. How do I know? Because it’s big, and wierd, and in the middle of the room.
Why, I’d give my right arm for a glove like… oh… right…
I love your use of colour and light, Brian. Spot on.
Michael Jackson was here…
*Attempts to use Sleight of Hand*
*Rolls a 1*
*Crash tackles the pedestal*
There should be a magic trap that inflicts Con Crud.
My inner Admiral Ackbar is shouting at me.
Uh-oh. Wonder if the hand that once wore it is still inside.
Sometimes the treasure itself is the trap.
For starters, if that’s actually magma casting that light, the metal glove is probably at around 500 degrees.
That’d be a great trap.
Clearly the intelligent thing to do here is just walk on up and grab that gaunlet, right? RIGHT?
Brand new reader here. Just about consumed your entire archive in a “work day”. Great stuff!
Deknar’s Holy Pimp-Hand: +5 to damage rolls when performing a Bitch-Slap combat maneuver.
I think it’s actually the Titan’s Mitt.
Think of the stone mason who had to carve all those columns for an empty room. I’d be pissed and want a better union…
“It’s a trap!” And I know I was beaten to that
and..slowly three fingers curl back, leaving just the one standing…
You’re a real bastard, you know that? And I wish I’d thought of that myself.
Gorgeous panel, well done.
Love these single panel artworks… they bring you right into the campaign! The glowing gauntlet of DHOOM! Obviously if the door wasn’t locked, it couldn’t be that important. Just toss it in the bag of holding and search the room.
Calling it now, that magic item is Deknar’s Pimp Hand.
Makes me think of Gally’s glove from Battle Chasers
“The Gauntlet of Eternal Forced Masturbation” ouch – eventually, BEST CURSED ITEM EVER!!!
Sure, at first, but then THE CHAFENING BEGINS!
Dear Brian, can has fancy wallpaper size?