Until Death: Part Eleven
I guess blocking bullets with swords is something Squire Christopher had yet to learn and let’s be honest, if Abby didn’t shoot something in this arc I would be letting all of you (and myself) down.
If you’re wondering why Christopher had yet to even really enter the battle, I try to remember this is a game session and I can tell you from first hand experience on both sides of the GM screen there are some villains/NPCs who (thanks to the dice) never throw a punch. Oh, there are grand plans prior to the session but you have a night where the players are on fire or your dice are cold and well, the encounter is fun but man they roll your best laid plans. Ah, gaming.
Don’t worry though, Sir Montgomery and Mr. Barrows are going to be a handful for the ladies and gentlemen.
I’ve always been a fan of the anti-climax. The ability to halt a villain mid speech with so little effort brings a smile to my face.
Ah no… She caught you monologuing brah.
Well CoC is supposed to have LETHAL firearms. And all he was good at doing was being a toadie sooooooo do the math? :3
Exactly. CoC is a fucking dangerous game.
I’ve never played CoC, despite my love of the mythos. But it seems pretty freaking hardcore.
Seriously. In CoC, your options in combat are run or die.
I am reminded of an old Changeling: the Dreaming game I was in, wherein we had the final confrontation with the Big Bad, a nasty Mythos-level icky by the name of Ravager of Children.
He began to monologue, senging his bloated, fang-mawed minions after us. My Pooka, a literal gun-bunny, took the opportunity to score a VERY nasty critical hit against him, taking him down to about 40% life with one bullet.
Realizing the threat, he directed his minions towards my character, rather than doing the sensible thing and going for cover. My character then performed unlicensed brain surgery with another bullet, scoring an even stronger critical success, dropping him.
So yeah… never underestimate the ‘weak’ characters, because Mr Colt made all men equal…
Indeed. The ultimate equalizer, the destroyer of nations, the founder of kingdoms, the humble gun.
The drop effect was perfect.
TO paraphrase Stephen Brust –
No Matter how powerful the wizard, one .57 cal lead ball will really ruin his day.
Gunning down the villain’s annoying lapdog : priceless.
All that was missing was the “irk” like when Brett stabbed the guy in Karthurn.
Hmm. Been a while since I commented…best make it a good one, one worthy of the above comic. Ah I have it.
Well, nobody’s done it yet, so I guess I’ll take the bullet (hahaha oh gods, kill me).
BOOOM! Headshot!