The Peddler
Chapter: Season Three
Trevor has a new squeeze? Oh my!
Commenters: Looking back, do you have a period of time or a specific fashion item you groan about whenever you think of it? I had a pair of glasses like the pair Sam is wearing in this comic when I was a kid. No shit. I did.
I used to have a blonde white boy fro in high school. It was bad.
A Different Strokes reference! I love you.
I love that someone picked up on it.
All of my glasses from the mid-80s (when I started wearing them) through the mid-90s were Aviator frame. I have a hard time taking myself seriously when I see those old pictures now.
I still think I’m better looking than Tom Cruise, though.
LensForgers. Nice!
Parachute Pants… ::shudder::
I started losing my hair on top when I was in college. I had my hair parted on the side at the time, and as the top hair thinned but the side hair didn’t, I ended up with a combover. Because it happened gradually, I didn’t really notice it until a friend pointed it out. I’ve been shaving my head ever since!
Came to read comic found 4 places to buy glasses online. advertisement sure has come along way 🙂 Brian your comics are always a crowd-pleaser
coke bottles back in jr. high…:urk:
Oh, did I ever. I was a child in the late 80s and early 90s. I’m pretty sure I wore hideous primary color sweatshirts with animal screen prints (don’t worry, no wolves) for about three years straight. Then there were the elastic shoe laces. And the ridiculous snap-on bracelets. And my Hawaiian shirt phase in my teens.
Yeah, bad fashion happens.
I tipped my hair blonde in high school.
I have no idea why.
Penny-rolled parachute pants and brightly colored rayon shirts. And the Parker Lewis Can’t Loose hairdo. But at least I had given up Trapper Keepers buy that time, otherwise it would have really clashed with the shirt designs.
Trapper Keepers were the epiphany of cool when I was in elementary school. And you were a baller if you had one of those locker backpacks and those pencil cases with so many compartments you’d think it were a transformer.
Oh, the 80s. Mine is parachute pants with a Michael Jackson style zipper shirt. Oh the horror. My inner Trey is dying just thinking about it. Hell, my outer Trey too.
Maybe I need new glasses – Trev! Not Trey. Sheesh.
Well thick lenses on thick, black plastic frames for my glasses till after 2005. So about 21 years of those.
Brown polyester pants and off white button down shirts in highschool.
My wife still makes fun of the short-shorts I used to wear….somethings you just don’t live down.
I had a mohawk for a while when I was a teenager. A blonde mohawk. I cringe thinking about it now….
Funny… I’m getting new glasses next week. lol
My biggest fashion disaster…well, my favorite color is green, and I wore braces as a kid. I don’t know if you can still do this, but back in the day, you could get colored bands around the braces. Somehow, I thought it was a great idea to get green bands… I didn’t dare smile until my next orthodontist appointment!
Yeah, lots of short shorts as a kid. I also wore a jean jacket in middle school while rockin’ out to Bon Jovi, but I have zero regrets about that!
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