I keep reading the hover text as “Epic Man” vs. “Cardboard Action” instead of the way it was meant. And so for about 5 minutes I have been contemplating Sam as “Epic Man.”
Uhhh… wow. Anyone else this is just a wee bit of a disproportionate reaction?
Yeah, what Lee is doing appeared to be a major dick move at first and his motivations might be rooted in some resentment he has toward Pops but he offered to bring Sam in and dump Dove in a heartbeat. It’s really not necessarily a bad proposal. Between the center panel here: https://d20monkey.com/comic/it-never-goes-away/ and today’s comic I’m concerned about Sam’s mental health.
Eh, it’s his standie. I think part of Sam’s frustration here is exactly that, it doesn’t seem like a bad proposal. But it’s also his dad’s shop and a place he’s got countless memories. That’s why it’s a hard choice.
Now, I don’t condone wanton acts of destruction, but this isn’t the worst thing in the world. (Besides, if you’ve ever worked somewhere with a motion-sensored noise making cutout, then there was probably already some hate built in for our Hillbilly Hero)
there’s no “choice”. He;s finally got what he loves, and a chance to make it great…
and along comes his own brother, and Dove, who are both singularly motivated to see that proud accomplishment destroyed.
Just when you think life is getting good….
That…and Lee is also targeting a sore spot he knows Sam is sensitive too which is being considered a “loser” (by offering to make him a “winner”)…remember he is probably still recovering from the severe depression/emotional rut he fell into not too long ago that made him step away from DMing. People with depression don’t overcome it overnight, and often act normal and laugh and joke while keeping their depression down out of sight…but you throw triggers like the ones Sam just had thrown at him and…yeah it just takes that “little” thing to trigger a moment like this once he alone and it all just boils over.
I’m so glad to hear someone use the term trigger in an accurate and respectful fashion.
Yes, the reaction may be disproportionate, but that is what happens when someone is dealing with several emotional or mental issues and is having those issues pressured relentlessly. It can be something seemingly innocuous, such as a word, an action, even just an object, but depending what mental connections it makes with an individual, the result can be devastating.
Also, as a minor note, Sam is presumably alone right now (or believes he is) so he likely don’t feel the pressure of having people around and needing to keep up a composed front. Plenty of us who suffer from these sort of things can collapse into a sobbing mess or a screaming, wounded beast when we feel we are alone enough to let all the pain and grief out.
Yeah, I thought the same thing. I am actually a bit uncomfortable for how emotional this story arc is at this juncture. Like Why doesn’t Sam just call Pop and ask, “Hey, Dad. Your other son wants to open up a game store with market research and full knowledge of business practices, make me partner, but it’s not Dragon’s Den. What would you do?”
Unfortunately, depression does not always provide a rational solution to a problem (if even there is a problem, in some cases). Yes, Sam could have spoken with Pops, could have sat down with his friends and discussed the situation and tried to come to a solution that would bring the best result.
The worst part is after, when the mind realises what the body has done, and will remind you that you are weak, that you could have done this or that, that someone better than you could have made a smarter decision. Then, unless you have some near-immediate support, you are spiralling back down into The Pit, and have to claw your way back to some sort of normalcy.
It’s a bullshit system, it ends up making us feel like complete turdpiles, and unless the people around you really understand, you end up driving people away when you need them the most
I wouldn’t trust Pops to provide a rational perspective either. Sam loves him, but the way he’s been depicted in this strip implies to me that he was also probably a difficult parent in a lot of ways. Demanding, and hard to live up to. I suspect that Lee’s “daddy issues” are not entirely unwarranted, though the way he’s dealing with them isn’t good for anyone.
Some of the traits that make Pops a fun character aren’t so indicative of a great childhood for his sons.
Well, we have to remember that Sam’s still dealing with some pretty severe depression. Outbursts of anger are not unheard of. I agree though, I hope this doesn’t turn into an issue for him. Honestly Sam should probably talk to someone professional before this stress starts eating into his relationships.
Sam finally had his ducks in a row, things were heading his way for once, he made up with Dallas, and the sun was proverbially shining. No matter if the deal is good or not, Sam is getting control taken away again, and it just. more. bullshit. drama for him.
Kryptoknight: Keep in mind that one of the main points of this whole story is that we’re *supposed* to be concerned about Sam’s mental health. It’s part of the character.
That looks like the latest move added to Hillbilly Wars: the Hillbilly Haymaker as demonstrated by Sam,
On a side note: I have this sneaking suspicion that Larry is hiding around here somewhere. Not sure exactly why I think that, only that I do. This whole thing just seems too…coincidental.
I feel for Sam SO MUCH in this arc. Here he is, getting shit together, sorting through his demons, and things are starting to finally look UP. And then BAM! Right in the insecurities. Right in a headlock by the demons you thought you’d put behind you. It’s so much CRAP! Especially coming from his brother. Apparently, my brother and I have an uncommonly good relationship, but I know that if he ever played on my insecurities like this, his ass would be grass so fast! You don’t pull that shit with family!
Family is often the most sensitive bond people will have, with the arguable competition coming for spouses and life-long friends. I won’t even touch on the bond of blood and DNA, because one thing in particular makes family bond so deep.
Time. For the vast majority, at least a few members of your family know you from the day you are born to the day you die. They see things about you that you would be horrified if a perfect stranger somehow knew, from silly childhood stories to deep personal flaws that haunt you till your dying day. You don’t get a great deal of choice in who is and isn’t your family and so you by necessity of survival have to trust them and hope they reciprocate that trust.
HOVER-TEXT: Epic man vs. cardboard action
Matt called it: That standee will never be the same again.
Incidentally, this is how you beat Hillbilly Wars.
He comes back more powerful than you can ever imagine
Hillbilly Wars 2: Still Shinin’
I keep reading the hover text as “Epic Man” vs. “Cardboard Action” instead of the way it was meant. And so for about 5 minutes I have been contemplating Sam as “Epic Man.”
Well, he has a light saber cane, so he kinda is one
This is true! I tend to forget.
I was totally reading it the same way! That makes so much more sense now!
Hey, that cardboard figure had it comin’!
Well, it weren’t big enough for the both a’them, I reckon. Sam done shown him.
*showed him. If you’re gonna do the hillbilly patois, you have to commit.
It had it coming? It only had itself to blame? >_>
And so was sung the song of the Hillbilly Wars standee…
(That’s a Poorly Drawn Lines reference, btw, not anything out of my brain.)
Alas, poor hillbilly cutout. We hardly knew ye.
Poor Cutout getting caught in the crossfire.
Uhhh… wow. Anyone else this is just a wee bit of a disproportionate reaction?
Yeah, what Lee is doing appeared to be a major dick move at first and his motivations might be rooted in some resentment he has toward Pops but he offered to bring Sam in and dump Dove in a heartbeat. It’s really not necessarily a bad proposal. Between the center panel here: https://d20monkey.com/comic/it-never-goes-away/ and today’s comic I’m concerned about Sam’s mental health.
Eh, it’s his standie. I think part of Sam’s frustration here is exactly that, it doesn’t seem like a bad proposal. But it’s also his dad’s shop and a place he’s got countless memories. That’s why it’s a hard choice.
Now, I don’t condone wanton acts of destruction, but this isn’t the worst thing in the world. (Besides, if you’ve ever worked somewhere with a motion-sensored noise making cutout, then there was probably already some hate built in for our Hillbilly Hero)
Ugh. I worked in a store with multiple motion-activated video ads. It’s a miracle they weren’t smashed with sledgehammers.
Honestly, my first thought on reading this comic was, “great, now Sam’s going to have to get another one of those things.”
there’s no “choice”. He;s finally got what he loves, and a chance to make it great…
and along comes his own brother, and Dove, who are both singularly motivated to see that proud accomplishment destroyed.
Just when you think life is getting good….
That…and Lee is also targeting a sore spot he knows Sam is sensitive too which is being considered a “loser” (by offering to make him a “winner”)…remember he is probably still recovering from the severe depression/emotional rut he fell into not too long ago that made him step away from DMing. People with depression don’t overcome it overnight, and often act normal and laugh and joke while keeping their depression down out of sight…but you throw triggers like the ones Sam just had thrown at him and…yeah it just takes that “little” thing to trigger a moment like this once he alone and it all just boils over.
I’m so glad to hear someone use the term trigger in an accurate and respectful fashion.
Yes, the reaction may be disproportionate, but that is what happens when someone is dealing with several emotional or mental issues and is having those issues pressured relentlessly. It can be something seemingly innocuous, such as a word, an action, even just an object, but depending what mental connections it makes with an individual, the result can be devastating.
Also, as a minor note, Sam is presumably alone right now (or believes he is) so he likely don’t feel the pressure of having people around and needing to keep up a composed front. Plenty of us who suffer from these sort of things can collapse into a sobbing mess or a screaming, wounded beast when we feel we are alone enough to let all the pain and grief out.
This. Definitely this.
I’ve been there often enough myself. Still am there sometimes. So yeah, this is actually spot on.
Yeah, I thought the same thing. I am actually a bit uncomfortable for how emotional this story arc is at this juncture. Like Why doesn’t Sam just call Pop and ask, “Hey, Dad. Your other son wants to open up a game store with market research and full knowledge of business practices, make me partner, but it’s not Dragon’s Den. What would you do?”
Like that doesn’t seem so difficult.
Simple solutions are always easiest to see from outside the problem, when you’re not emotionally invested.
Unfortunately, depression does not always provide a rational solution to a problem (if even there is a problem, in some cases). Yes, Sam could have spoken with Pops, could have sat down with his friends and discussed the situation and tried to come to a solution that would bring the best result.
The worst part is after, when the mind realises what the body has done, and will remind you that you are weak, that you could have done this or that, that someone better than you could have made a smarter decision. Then, unless you have some near-immediate support, you are spiralling back down into The Pit, and have to claw your way back to some sort of normalcy.
It’s a bullshit system, it ends up making us feel like complete turdpiles, and unless the people around you really understand, you end up driving people away when you need them the most
I wouldn’t trust Pops to provide a rational perspective either. Sam loves him, but the way he’s been depicted in this strip implies to me that he was also probably a difficult parent in a lot of ways. Demanding, and hard to live up to. I suspect that Lee’s “daddy issues” are not entirely unwarranted, though the way he’s dealing with them isn’t good for anyone.
Some of the traits that make Pops a fun character aren’t so indicative of a great childhood for his sons.
Especially if you’re not into gaming, which by all accounts, Lee was not.
Well, we have to remember that Sam’s still dealing with some pretty severe depression. Outbursts of anger are not unheard of. I agree though, I hope this doesn’t turn into an issue for him. Honestly Sam should probably talk to someone professional before this stress starts eating into his relationships.
Sam finally had his ducks in a row, things were heading his way for once, he made up with Dallas, and the sun was proverbially shining. No matter if the deal is good or not, Sam is getting control taken away again, and it just. more. bullshit. drama for him.
Kryptoknight: Keep in mind that one of the main points of this whole story is that we’re *supposed* to be concerned about Sam’s mental health. It’s part of the character.
That looks like the latest move added to Hillbilly Wars: the Hillbilly Haymaker as demonstrated by Sam,
On a side note: I have this sneaking suspicion that Larry is hiding around here somewhere. Not sure exactly why I think that, only that I do. This whole thing just seems too…coincidental.
*Extremely long, slow inhale through teeth, eyes wide open, staring at panel*
I feel for Sam SO MUCH in this arc. Here he is, getting shit together, sorting through his demons, and things are starting to finally look UP. And then BAM! Right in the insecurities. Right in a headlock by the demons you thought you’d put behind you. It’s so much CRAP! Especially coming from his brother. Apparently, my brother and I have an uncommonly good relationship, but I know that if he ever played on my insecurities like this, his ass would be grass so fast! You don’t pull that shit with family!
Family is often the most sensitive bond people will have, with the arguable competition coming for spouses and life-long friends. I won’t even touch on the bond of blood and DNA, because one thing in particular makes family bond so deep.
Time. For the vast majority, at least a few members of your family know you from the day you are born to the day you die. They see things about you that you would be horrified if a perfect stranger somehow knew, from silly childhood stories to deep personal flaws that haunt you till your dying day. You don’t get a great deal of choice in who is and isn’t your family and so you by necessity of survival have to trust them and hope they reciprocate that trust.