Making a Case
Chapter: Season Four
Brett and Jeanie got totally gropey during Munchkin.
I have missed Brett and for those of you who are super concerned or against the idea of Sam and Amy, Brett will be your voice.
Also, it is worth noting that is not a screw up in the first panel. Sam is wearing something other than his trademark flaming d20 tee. I am easing into the idea of more clothing options for the cast. I have mixed it up on a few cast members but Sam is pretty constant to this point. It’s an experiment. We’ll see (but the flaming d20 will still be his favorite tee).
Dose anyone else want to slap Brett for the “Real Gamers do not cancel for sex.” comment?
Yes. Hard. With an iron fire poker. Though I only “postpone for sex” when I can help it.
My wife and I have totally cancelled our game nights to do the vertical mambo instead.
Or, rather, the horizonal mambo. Sigh.
Nothing to say it can’t be vertical if you have a few points in the right skill trees. 😉
No, I can see where he’s coming from I’ve cancelled due to social engagement, and willingly chosen the game over social engagement before.
Yeah, Brett’s talking out his ass on this one. I’ve been single for three years, and there’s a standing rule with my groups that if I manage to get a date for a Saturday night, the game is off, because damn it I’m not missing out on a chance to potentially meet someone for something we can put off for one week.
Fair enough. I kind of see validity on both sides but I’m reasonable enough to understand that it mighy be harder for some to find someone right.
I don’t, but then again, I don’t game but once every couple of weeks. And sometimes, my wife and I stay up late.
But game still gets canceled for a week cause well, life happens. Concerts, parties, camping trips, and whatever else, stuff comes up.
I do! It was standard rule with my old group.
I love that he Vined it.
I’m on Sam’s side with putting this super RARE chance at a hot date ahead of his weekly gaming commitment, but he should also be bending over backwards to try and make it up to the group.
Like, couldn’t he just ask everybody if there’s a good night to reschedule to? Most gaming groups I’ve been in just have a standing raincheck day that gets used instead any time we need it.
Also I just wanted to say I love how the shadows on Brett’s face change in panel 2; it’s like the sheer force of his rage has truly summoned an infernal glow from the underworld.
You mean your rage doesn’t do that?
Mine does.
I haven’t leveled up enough for that yet.
Firstly – I love how despite the fact that Sam cancelled everyone ahead of time (the night before) they all showed up anyways. Were they just hoping for the floor show of Brett’s head exploding?
1) Cancelling game because of a date like this is totally fine, as long as he does his friends the respect of telling them ahead of time.
2) Once this moves on to a regular relationship, hopefully it won’t end up damaging their scheduled play much. Amy is a gamer, so I doubt she would press him hard on that, but I don’t know if Sam will get swept up and ditch on friends for awhile. – If he does that’s probably understandable for a few weeks.
3) I wonder if Amy will join the Karthun game, and how long it will take for Brett to say something that ends with him receiving a black eye.
You picked up on it: They’re all at his house.
Next week we’ll see Sam and Amy’s date while the rest of the group plays… something else.
I would like to see some one mention that a little notice ahead of time would be appreciated since he is the gm. I’d also like to see the wonder duogive Sam some advice like they did Brett and see if he takes it as opposed to Cosmo.
I’m not sure if my post was awaiting moderation, but I totally just did comment on that. : /
He called Brett the night before, and Mel was there. Presumably he called the other two afterwards.
It was good he called but it’s very short notice. The cthulhu games, unless I’m misremembering, take place late at night so he’s basically calling them the same day. It happens but I’ve never been like, “Oh how awesome.” The fact that he couldn’t wait a day shows more bad things about Sam, in my opinion, then good. Very short sighted.
I would hope, for Sam’s sake, that he didn’t realise he was doing it – like, he was so excited he forgot about the conflict, and by the time he remembered she was already gone. There’s a little thing called “Prior Engagements”; when scheduling a new thing, you work around things you’re already committed to.
One time I cancelled sex for gaming. It was a really intense RIFTs campaign. I just had to be there.
Exactly! Sometimes the game comes first. A night of “socializing” is fleeting usually, but a memorable night with friends gaming tends to last quite a bit longer.
Here’s a test you might want to run next time you’re at a convention gaming room:
“Hands up everyone who would rather be having crazed-weasel sex in your hotel room right now!”
I totally want to see ‘REAL GAMERS DO NOT CANCEL FOR SEX’ on a t-shirt.
I think it would be best if it had the speech bubbles on the bottom or sides or something. Especially “Every time, sugar beard” XD
While we’re at it, make a shirt with Brett labelled ‘Sugar Beard”
You know, it just occurs to me, Brett is talking about “softcore nerd porn” (which I would totally watch) while Sam is effectively showing him the real deal starring Brett himself. Pot meet kettle?
I’m not *against* Sam and Amy, but I think I’m more for Sam and Mel. Hope to see that happen in the future.
Someone really needs to put Brett in his place. His hypocrisy is too reminiscent of some ass-hats I’ve dealt with in the past who believe that everyone but them is wrong.
What hypocrisy? There’s a big difference between getting carried away at a meet and blowing off a meet.
In my opinion cancelling an appointment with friends is super rude. OK, when life happens, like an emergency in the family, an accident, something like that is understandable. I may even forgive cancelling for sex – but only about once. But if you cancel because “something other came up” than you are an asshole in my book.
Yeah, I personally find the whole ‘it’s just a game’ mentality, to be super bullshit. For me, a chance to spend time once a week with all my friends has many times in my life been the reason I didn’t want to kill myself that week. Sure, that’s a me problem, but ‘it’s just a game’ is a shitty thing to say.
It’s not ‘just a game’, it’s respecting the time you spend with a group of people who you call friends. And especially scheduling a date on the same day as a game night literally the day before you play… That’s a shitty move.
Seriously, to people who read this, however few you may be, if you make a commitment to your friends, respect that commitment. Respect them as people, and the fact that recreational time is important. We don’t lie for obligations and responsibilities, those are the things we have to do to get to the things we want to do, and honestly, it sucks that society thinks of them as more important than the things we actually do to make ourselves happy. As for something like a date, for sure, that’s worth putting at the forefront of your life, but not in a way that disrupts a commitment you made to a group of other people, who lose out on something they probably were looking forward to.
Mind you, if you do it once in a great while, I wouldn’t fault you. My big gripe with Sam doing it here is because it really doesn’t seem like Amy is going anywhere, the date probably could have waited, and he did it the night before, giving his friends pretty much no warning. It’s not worth drawing-and-quartering him over, and Brett’s reaction is, of course, over the top, but I still empathize with Brett’s general annoyance.