Harsh Reflections: Part Thirteen
Chapter: Season Six
Jeda is making a reference to the Iron Kings adopted daughter (and Mel’s old character) Vella. She made some pretty significant sacrifices for the good of the kingdom.
Jeda is making a reference to the Iron Kings adopted daughter (and Mel’s old character) Vella. She made some pretty significant sacrifices for the good of the kingdom.
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HOVER-TEXT: And she’s here today! Let’s bring her out! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!
Well… nobody has *ever* accused Brett of being tactful in the presence of a king.
wonder if he’s channeling some pent up frustrations over the way the king of Season’s treated him?
Little bit yea
Damn Brian right in the feels
I feel like this fits the reaction of everyone after that last line from Brett:
…and now we’re bringing family into this…Jeda is rally skating on thin ice. I wonder if he’ll fall in & under?
Did you hear that kaboom? That was my mind after Brett blew it with that last line.
Anyone else get the feeling that the Iron King is about to rain down on Jeda like the wrath of God? Veteran ass-kicker or not, I’m not sure he’s a monarch I’d mouth off to. Even a Kingly Iron Tea-Baggingâ„¢ must feel like getting hit by a car.
“Oh, boy…”
Sam Beckett, Quantum Leap
For those of us who have not been around since the beginning, is Brett’s last line a reference to a previous story arc, and if so, canIgetalinkyo? (WOOT WOOT)
The setup for previous Karthun arc begins here: https://d20monkey.com/comic/roll-out/
…and goes on for like 42 pages, so grab a snack.
Starts here: https://d20monkey.com/comic/egnizians-insight/
And goes for about 10 strips (interrupted by a one-off sexy interlude).
TBh this is why i like this strip . .well one of the reasons . .. mostly everyone play nice with the GM . . but Brett totally WRECKS SHIZ UP!!
And i like that Brian isn’t afraid to do this. . . Kudos and welcome back man
IF Jeda ends up as a smear stain on the ground like Charlie did in the space ship adventure . . . Brett can always play the Butler
Jeda, years later: “And that’s the story of how I lost my next body part.”
Why is it that all I can see is Jeda with his head in a box relaying that story…
Wait, but her name wasn’t Jerr… oh. OH. I get it. -_-
Mic. Dropped.