Paying gigs come first unfortunately, most of us understand man. You keep doing what you gotta do, we’ve waited ten years, I won’t complain about stretching it out a few more days <3
She’s not just any tank, she’s the Off-Tank probably a Paladin with an Oath against Chaos; Emma is the Main Tank in the form of CoDzilla, and Lady Claus is the party Warpriest. Sam’s a Sorcerer; Amy, Charlie, and Dallas are Bards (with Charlie recently taking a Wizard multiclass); Josie seems like either the DPS Barbarian or Fighter; Talbot is the Wizard; and Brett would be a Magus/Monk, while Trevor was the party Rogue.
What if it really is plural rather than the royal “we”? What if it’s all the bad guys from Sam’s campaigns? He brought the ogres into existence (or tapped into their existence and made it part of his game), so why not all of the enemies from his multiple campaigns? It would certainly explain why they have so much power. And they might even include the bro-lord from his time as “Evil Sam”.
I’ll say, this is some serious Truman Show type of shit. Not in a bad sense though. One wonders how big must the narrative be to make so many magical guardians flock around the neighborhood
You know, I’m beginning to wonder if there is a layer below all of this, and if Sam and co are “just” characters being played by a group we’ve never met…
It occurs to me that as Sam comes to terms with being the narrative wielder and realises the cannibalistic ogres of his imagination are real, he now realises Brett has been delivered to something/one from his worst nightmares
You spin me right round baby right round like a record player round round round round….
Spin away sir. I’m buckled in for the long haul
I’m very interested to see how this pans out.
Yeah, if it didn’t before, this DEFINITELY has a Jody from Supernatural feel to it.
Paying gigs come first unfortunately, most of us understand man. You keep doing what you gotta do, we’ve waited ten years, I won’t complain about stretching it out a few more days <3
Well of *course* you need to wait for the Tank!
She’s not just any tank, she’s the Off-Tank probably a Paladin with an Oath against Chaos; Emma is the Main Tank in the form of CoDzilla, and Lady Claus is the party Warpriest. Sam’s a Sorcerer; Amy, Charlie, and Dallas are Bards (with Charlie recently taking a Wizard multiclass); Josie seems like either the DPS Barbarian or Fighter; Talbot is the Wizard; and Brett would be a Magus/Monk, while Trevor was the party Rogue.
Officer Clark is a certified badass.
I love of all people this random southern fried bike cop is our eleventh hour party member.
You mean narrative NPC?
Not exactly random, we’ve seen her before. Though it has been a long time.
I am unreasonably excited about the last panel.
I’m guessing officer Clark knows more than she lets on.
Wait… Talbot says “saved by the Court of Summer” in panel four. Is that correct? I thought Dula introduced herself as the emissary for Spring. No?
You beat me to it.
Spring is a lesser court of Summer Autum is a lesser court of Winter Faye politics make the electoral college look Child like in their complexity
Bookcase-induced concussion?
Good theory and save for me there, but it is indeed a typo and I have it all sorted out. Dula is from the Court of Spring.
She’s. She’s not a normal human. She’s way too comfortable with magic.
And she likes REALLY spicy burritos…
Or she’s just the Queen of “just roll with it”.
Huh. That’s the name of my new game shop.
I’m going *WAY* out on a limb here… Gold dragon in human form.
Party needs it’s Oath of Law Paladin
I have this weird theory…
When Clive met his new patrons, they referred to themselves as “we” and we see one silhouette in multiple in a way.
What if it really is plural rather than the royal “we”? What if it’s all the bad guys from Sam’s campaigns? He brought the ogres into existence (or tapped into their existence and made it part of his game), so why not all of the enemies from his multiple campaigns? It would certainly explain why they have so much power. And they might even include the bro-lord from his time as “Evil Sam”.
“You must gather your party before adventuring forth.”
I’ll say, this is some serious Truman Show type of shit. Not in a bad sense though. One wonders how big must the narrative be to make so many magical guardians flock around the neighborhood
That cop is more that meet the eye! Hey an Transformers refernce!
“We need the final member of your party.”
You know, I’m beginning to wonder if there is a layer below all of this, and if Sam and co are “just” characters being played by a group we’ve never met…
“The final member of the party.â€..? Trevor?!?
Hope Emma is alright.
She’s good. This is just a matter of panel space vs. dialogue. We’ll see her.
…I was also going through comments looking for just this. Thank you, dear <3
“A new player has entered the party…”
Am I reading too much into his expression or does Talbot seem unhappy about having been saved by the court of spring?
They have a professional rivalry between Courts. Not hate, just like the Coast Guard saving a Navy Officer kind of thing.
Legit heard the first riff of “Bad to the Bone” on the last panel
Oh I am liking this, That police officer is a character that needed more time on page since she first showed up. this story arc just got real!
“…in a ring of fire, in a ring of fire!”
Help it’s now stuck in my head..
It occurs to me that as Sam comes to terms with being the narrative wielder and realises the cannibalistic ogres of his imagination are real, he now realises Brett has been delivered to something/one from his worst nightmares