Elsewhere: Epilogue
Chapter: Season Six
Nope, you didn’t miss an update. This was always a short arc to set up where Clive is and what is to come. It’s tough to say that out loud and not spoil things while the arc is running. Don’t worry, there will be a Christmas arc, just not yet (and no, it will not last until April this year).
HOVER-TEXT: You ever have that feeling that something bad is coming? So does Santa…
Ruh roh…
He knows if you’ve been bad or good.
I think you really captured the atmosphere well with this one!
Oh snap, at first I thought the last few updates were the start of the Karthun arc, but this just brings all the dread up.
Will we get a super-epic team up featuring the mantle bearer & king of seasons vs Higgins & whoever “She” is? Ooh, or lead up to damn near every holiday’s personification/mantle bearer vs whatever this shadowy adversary is? Or the elsewhere bits were a set up for something much further down the line, and Brett finally gets an uneventful & peaceful day of work (despite his growing unease)?
Gah, updates can’t come soon enough.
This raises so many questions? Such as the biggest obvious One: who was that in the Crystal recruiting Clive? Did they recruit anyone else and if so, Whom? I have some guesses, but I can’t say that im right yet, due to the lack of evidence. Still This is something im more than willing to debate so I gotta know who does everyone else think its behind all of this? Someone new? someone old? Some dog with shifty eyes? WHO?!?!?
It’s TOTALLY the shifty eyed dog from The Simpsons!! LOL!!
But to really discuss: Maybe it’s a being who represents some old, OLD, long forgotten holiday who now feeds solely on revenge and is gathering those who have like-minded feelings for other people so that it grows in strength and ends up using the lesser bad guys as ‘revenge food fuel’ so it could potentially overtake ALL current holidays.
If that’s not even close, it sounds like an AWESOME villain for some fantasy world.
It could be a forgotten holiday. I like the Idea. I was thinking it was a corrupt being of potential power. My first thought would be Mother nature. Why? Cause she while is a cliche, granted, she could have also been the why there is a king of Seasons now and it could be that she did not agree with the modern advancement hence she had to be sealed away when the King was at his merciless in order not to regret his decision. Another theory is an unknown force from ages ago. Everyone has been saying that Dove and Dallas could be involves with the Christmas shenanigans. While I want to dismiss such a thing I can’t out right say that its not possible. if they do have something to do with it then so does the opposing forces of the DM Universe being allowed to manifest in our reality, again to certain players. but that can not be unless certain circumstances are met but I don’t know if Brian wants to go in that direction. for now, I will stay with the former theory until proven otherwise.
Oh man its a double set up foreshadowing! Christmas arch And Bret n Sam on same dide of the screen. That ought to be epic in itself.
By the way… nobody was complaining about the length of last years arc… and if they were…. ahem, well ya
Oh, I got letters Dave. STERN LETTERS. Bros telling me they do not come to d20Monkey for “all this Christmas bullshit”. It was pretty funny. Bless their hearts.
Dang, really? People complain about the Christmas arcs? I think those are one of my favorite parts of the comic, honestly. The supernatural aspect sets it apart from other comics about geeks, I feel, and they’re super well-done and consistent in-universe. It’s like bringing a bit of Dr. McNinja “rule-of-cool” into the standard gaming comic.
PS: I’m intrigued by @Ashley’s idea of a holiday-consuming villain. MAKE IT SO, NUMBER ONE!
…Or not, it’s your comic.
Why complain, thats foolish. Youre not going to like everything an artist does. But you dont have to read them for it. Are you still reading it and care about the characters? Well then keep reading it. Its someone elses art and a part of their soul. To me this is Brian’s comic. If he wants to do Christmas like it or leave it and just wait for the dice to pop back out. I wont tell him how to run his vision. Although i do miss his beholders… lol.
Uhh that sould say “dont REAM him for it”… sorry.
I can just see one of the letters now:
“Dear Cockbag, your feeble attempts to kill me have once again ended in failure, and my contempt for you grows even further.”
“… does this actually have anything to do with the comic?”
I’m not sure if I’m more excited about the Christmas arc, or finding out about their characters…
Probably their characters
I know right. I’m super hyped for Sam-As-Player
That somehow didn’t occur to me whatsoever and now the hypemeter is pushing 11
Woo hoo! Forshadowing!!11!! Woo hoo!
Boo, misspelling foreshadowing, boo.
Just remember the creepy thing about Santa, He sees you when your sleeping… He knows when your awake….. He knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake…….. That means when you plan to be bad he just might be aware of it in the back of his mind………
Just so were clear here, wouldn’t that sort of be like Spydey sense?
Because no ones mentioned it yet, Sam and Brett potentially playing siblings? That has some great RP potential.
They already act like siblings sometimes as it is, in rp it could be even funnier…
I would like to say a few things. First, just started reading the comic a few days ago and I love it. Not only does it appeal to my gamer side but you are an excellent storyteller. Second, Brett is by far my favorite character with Sam being my second. So keep up with the Christmas story arcs and more of the group sessions!! Only thing is I wish you updated everyday lol. Can’t go a day without this comic lol. Third, reading this comic has given me the urge to tabletop game again. I also can’t wait for your homebrew to go live!! I wish I had found this comic when you started the Kickstarter for the game. And the final this is, you kick ass!!
Honestly, I love the Christmas arc so much it could last all year.
War on Christmas Arcs!
Onward Christian Soldiers! Get him!