Dungeon Run: Group One
Chapter: Comics, Season Five
I’m sorry Dustin.
Dustin is a good guy. He is one of the folks behind the Undergopher podcast (a fine podcast you should listen to) and he is also one of the folks owed a cameo appearance in d20Monkey through the Kickstarter campaign. Dungeon Run seems like the perfect time, despite his grisly end.
Next up: Group Two
Hover-Text: I guess you could say Dustin really “lit it up”, huh guys? RIGHT? PUT THE GUN DOWN!
YOU put the pun down!
*pulls out 23482967 guns including one to his own head via use of Cartoon Arms* ALRIGHT! LETS DO THIS! I’m not afraid to die!!
Is there going to be a montage at some point in this storyline? Because I really think we’re gonna to need a montage.
What do you mean?
I agree, a montage seems like a great idea.
(I am guessing Kyle means a montage of the various deaths, heroic successes, and bumbling failures of various characters and groups going on the run. One self explanatory image per frame per character or group… That is what I would see as a great montage for this arc)
There aren’t really enough of them for that; a decent montage would wipe out most of the players, and you want to cover some of them in more detail. If it was an enormous event with a hundred players or more, sure, but given there’s barely a dozen left now it just wouldn’t work.
For example, a big comic with a whole bunch of frames, each showing a character dying a horrible/stupid/hilarious way.
Like this:http://beta.southparkstudios.com/clips/153324/sports-training-montage#source=473fef35-48a7-434c-afc6-207874c7f1a3%3A603d3736-ecfd-11e0-aca6-0026b9414f30&position=12&sort=playlist
Oh, I know what a montage is, I was just curious as to the TYPE of montage. That makes sense now.
Either a montage during or an at the end ‘tribute to those we lost in the dungeon’ ooooo one could be Bob!
Just noticed how many things in Krthun are themed around magma and iron.
This is not a fluke either. It’s by design.
“Why is everything made of magma and iron?”
“Because metal and fire are f*****g AWESOME!”
The actual answer: It’s regional. The first adventure happens in the Iron King’s realm and Tyraxion’s Hoard is in the same region. Once we see more of Karthun, you’ll see a definitive change in atmosphere/tone.
I think you mean “grisly.” “Grizzly” is a type of bear.
Although I think a giant bear mauling you would be preferable to a magma flow, unless you dove into it head-first.
Working as intended. 😛
Of course I think we all could agree that death by Grizzly is certainly a grisly affair 😀
Ah, I understand.
Dev-speak for “Fuck off, now.”
Need magma grizzly bears!
“a find podcast”
Sore they do…
His twitter is “boned.”
Yeah, I hope he didn’t expect to survive.
Great start! Will anyone survive Zone 1??
I want to argue, but that’s probably exactly how it would have happened. :-p
This is why you have the rouge in the front instead of a magic user……
Trap Monkey always goes first!
Or at least someone with a high enough Perception score.
Haha I am an idiot some how I thought I was seeing a repeat and commented on one from back in early March (the different Santa variations of Brett). Darn you old favorite links that I forgot to delete.
I hope this doesn’t affect Dustin’s lava the game. 😉
Well played, sir.
can we get a Damn it Dustin SHirt?
8one6 got 86’d!