Captain Crunch… Get it? Right? Oh shut up!
Oh shit…
Damn. It’s been a little while since I’ve had to draw Brett. It was weird for 10-minutes when I started on him.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for commenting on the previous comic with Sam and Amy. You were all very nice here and through various social media. By and large the response to Samy is overwhelmingly positive. I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous for several reasons (Sam jumping in head first, Amy being a newish character, etc.) and even the folks who dislike the development aren’t being super jerks about it. You seem to trust me to show you where this is going and I appreciate that. We’ll learn more about Amy and see their relationship develop over time. This isn’t a 30-minute sitcom resolution but I think you’ll like where the story goes.
It’s a strange and awesome feeling to know that a lot of you are just as invested in these characters as I am. I will do my best to not let you down.
I’m glad to see things have patched up between those two.
There is a difference between being ok to hang out after you have a particularly bad crush go wrong and being able to talk about a new potential relationship.
It seems like this is a very good way to emphasize just how much their relationship has repaired (beyond just casual DnD) without sledgehammering people over the head with “The Talk”.
I’m also glad to see him moving on.
Does this mean we have a new Karthun player?
Also, maybe it’s just the eyelid messing with my perception, but it looks like Brett’s eyes are pointed in slightly different directions. Considering the circumstances, that may actually be a good thing. <.<
It’s a subtle effect; I assumed it was intentional, to better showcase the eye-twitching angerfroth.
What is Karthun? If they’re talking about game night, I figure everyone would be pissed at the late cancelling, not just Brett.
Karthun is Sam/Brian’s homebrew game. You can read the first story here:
Though it’s teased a bit earlier.
Brett before/during the first Karthun game: “A game different from what I’m used to playing? You motherfuckers are dead!”
Brett before his (assuming there weren’t more session offscreen) second Karthun game: “Canceling an awesome night of Karthun adventures? You motherfuckers are dead!”
Haha! To be fair to Brett, he did turn a corner during the session after Trevor set him straight and he gave it a chance.
But god bless him…he’s STILL Brett. He’s turned a massive corner and has grown up a lot..but he’s still Brett. And you cannot have Brett with out the barely restrained rage. Well…it was restrained. I think Sam just opened up the cage and now the fury will run wild.
Yikes! The wrath of Brett? So glad Mel is cool with Sam & Amy. No drama like that is needed.
This is the problem that I’ve always seen with relationships and table gaming. Dates always get set that eventually interfere. Not saying one is more important than the other, but when you have a table of people depending on you to run the game and you let them down it’s disappointing.
Then again, human interaction is always important and at this point Sam kind of deserves it. Tough divide.
Is it weird that I totally missed Brett? I love his rage.
Also 10+ points on Mel and Sam in this. She seems a lot more like herself lately
Frankly, I’m still looking for resolution in terms of the “do we have one character for whom the laws of physics occasionally no longer apply or two?” question, but I do enjoy Samy. Samy is quite nice but it’d be also nice to resolve that train wreck of a Larry plot and make it rather clear just how many characters in this story currently have the ability to alter the universe around them in unusual ways.
“Train wreck of a plot” made me laugh pretty hard but you’re right: It isn’t my best execution of a story line to date. To put a finer point on things: The Larry thing isn’t over and as it stands, no one in this cast is using the Narrative.
Apparently my love triangle senses were off on this one. Actually i’m happier at the fact that Sam supports the relationship. Now, the question is…will BIG man be as supportive XD
Of their relationship? Almost certainly. Of Sam canceling GAME NIGHT? Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..
“Well, I was thinking about upgrading to the iPhone 6 anyway…”
I’m actually with Brett on this one. I know who I used to feel when I was DMing and players would not show up or cancel at the last minute. I am happy that Sam has Amy now but that is no excuse for canceling Karthun Night. As a fellow gamer I think Amy would understand.
There is no reason that Amy couldn’t join in on Karthun Night. Roll her in!
Having a budding romance at a table usually just spells poor interactions between the two in the budding relationship and a poor gaming night overall.
Karthun, with that I was wondering; is Sam running multiple games or is Dagger McStab retired now? Just wondering. Especially with that spaceship adventure on pause. Ive had plenty of game transitions to relate. Its hard ballancing that many games in the real world. (i duno how those at weregeek have time for all the games they do, at least 4 in game arcs?) And with Sam’s budding relations hes gona be on a free time crunch. This date arch might be reminicient of high school days. Happy for him, yet remember the Brett level frustration. Should be fun.
Despite my comments above, I do love Brett the most. I identify with him a lot, both with myself and also with a friend of mine. Of all the characters he’s also grown the most I think; before he was a pretty unlikable jerk and now he’s Santa Clause, in a relationship and has become an actual roleplayer as opposed to a minmaxer.
That being said he still got a powderkeg of a temper and Sam just poured gas on that sucker and threw a live hellhound at it.
And as for Sam..well Amy isn’t exactly “new”. We all got to know her during the first “Innsmouth Garden Sociaty” game, when it was implied that she had a crush on Sam. I am glad to see Sam rebuilding his relationship with Mel, but I’m happier seeing him branch out to some one else.
As for Amy; you GO girl.
Brett: “Urge to kill, rising…!”
I bet Brett goes through a lot of phones that way. Wonder if his insurance covers it?
While Sam and Amy was a bit out of nowhere, it’s nice to have Sam move on and possibly start to have some good stuff happen to him outside of gaming. Interested in seeing what the hell Brett’s going to do.