Aversion to Immersion
Chapter: Season Three
No. No not really. I’m a huge fan of games that hack existing rules or use new ideas for action resolution and Dread is a great example of this (I’ll have a full review of Dread and my GenCon experience up later).
In the meantime, of course Brett is against the idea of such things but it makes no difference as the group’s Dread experience begins this week.
Finally, more than a few folks have asked either through email or over on Twitter: Where is Sam and why is he “busy”?
<Insert evil cackle>
I feel like I should be reading this with the lights out like some sort of ghost story, judging from Brett’s expression.
Well, Dread *is* an experience.. When the conflict resolution mechanism itself is laden with an inherent and inescapable aura of suspense, wherein you know that failure is progressively more likely… yeah, nailbiting time.
A Diceless game?!
(Incert dramatic sound effect here) 😉
I’ve run dread for my group a couple of times. I’m not a very good GM, but the tension created by this game is so natural an mechanical that you can’t help but get into it. Also, you will never play Jenga the same way again.
….. I need to play this.
I’ve to be honest, every time i see mel i wonder why they still play with her after she let her boyfriend be such a dick in many occasion without saying a single word.
It’s a point of contention for a lot of folks (in the best ways). Some kind of see her side, others hate her for it. I love that it has people invested and talking.
There is going to be some fallout from it but probably not in a way most expect.
Seeing that I was among those who played a certain Dread game a few weeks ago, I look forward to that arc.
I see Sam helping out with a few jump scares in the future of this arc 😛
Say it Brett.. SAY IT… HORSESHIT!!! No dice, no game!
N-n-n-no….d-d-dice? 😯
Actually, That sounds pretty awesome. It’s probably not played that much differently than, say, message board RP’s right?
Plus, I agree that Sam’s got some surprises in store for the group…like maybe he *did* bring the fog machine…
So how does Dread resolve actions? Tea leaves? Palm reading? Throwing a handful of chicken bones?
Jenga tower.
It sounds horrifying and I want to try it now.
OMG… I am caught up?! Nooooo. I have been reading this comic for the last few weeks, catching up. And now… alas, I have caught up. So ends my comic reading this morn… I must now WAIT for the next one to come out. *tears*
Dread was interesting, but I just cannot back diceless games.
Wait… Dread is played with a Jenga tower… amg… WHERE ARE THE RULES?! Jenga + DnD? aaaawwww yeah…
Dice puns? I got your dice pun right here! http://mlkshk.com/r/EI9H and no worries, it’s a soundless animated gif that is not seizure inducing 😛