I use plastic rings to mark status effects on miniatures. Check out Etsy and you will find all kinds of them for sale. Very handy.
Archive for sam
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Shattered Honor – Part Thirty-Two
Chapter: Season Ten
Characters: Sam
Way to go, TREVOR. (Trevor is secretly dating Sam’s brother, Lee) Â The banner and posters are: The Munchnagerie, Unicorn Pit, and This House is Totally F*ucked
The other shoe drops. Brett… well, Brett has a plan. It might be a little inside baseball with the yawning portal reference, and if the imagery doesn’t land for you, I’m sorry about that. Google “Tomb of Horrors” and maybe[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Is Brett playing with forces he does not understand? Of course, this canon is just *my* actual canon from Karthun and it is not official with regard to WotC and the actual Tomb of Horrors lore. I just grew up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…