Winding down the arc. See you on Monday for some end-of-session clean up and epilogue. HOVER-TEXT: YOU MONSTER!
Season Seven
“Husband, Thank you for being such a wonderful distraction or me while I procured this little trinket for an interested party. However, since you did not acquire the rug yourself, my Second Wish is remains unfulfilled. Tisk-tisk my love! Until[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Vault of Deknar: Finale
This brings the Vault of Deknar to a close. Friday brings Epilogue. As for the rest of the year, check out this post. Thanks for reading, everyone.
Vault of Deknar: Epilogue
Update (11/19): Fixed the teeth mis-color. Yes, that is Dallas Noble (Yes, I will keep changing character appearances over time) and I am actually going back at adding tags to the entire archive during the story break. This ends the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Karthunmas Preview 1
Up first in the December Karthunmas art previews: THE COVER. It took a few days to finish and I am quite proud of it.
Karthunmas Art Preview 4
Today’s preview features Dulsey Ro art, the holy symbol of Deknar the Smith, and a look at Dulsey’s write up in the book. Each god has a representative featured in their individual sections of the religions chapter. As the Hammer[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
2016 Holiday Certificate
My new annual tradition. This is built for D&D, Pathfinder, etc. but you can easily swap out the items for things that fit your campaign and system of choice. Here is a hi-res version Happy Holidays, everyone. Look for more[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Karthunmas Art Preview 5
Hello all and Happy New Year. Just a quick update for everyone: I am not dead. I am in the home stretch on completing Karthun: Lands of Conflict artwork and getting set up for the next season of d20Monkey. Karthun[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…