Vault of Deknar: Part Twenty-Four
And d20Monkey is back.
First up, how about that new logo, right? It has been a long time coming. When I created the original logo, I intended the monkey skull to play a bigger role in the comic and branding of the series but to be honest, it never seemed to be something Sam would use. Also, when people read that logo (especially at conventions) it was 50/50 they read/understood it. A LOT of people asked “so what is d2 Monkey?” So, a change has been a long time coming. I dig it.
A new strip is here today but I imagine a few of you are asking “well how long will this last?” and that is completely fair. I have hit a few snags in six and a half years of d20Monkey but this time, while I worked to catch up on freelance work, I worked slowly to build a buffer and as of this writing I have 5 weeks of strips scripted and sketched. I am wrapping up some big freelance gigs and that will open up more time but that isn’t the best news…
My Artist in Residence job with Evil Hat Productions has expanded and I am now a regular member of the team making a steady paycheck. We don’t have a new title for me yet, but I am calling myself the Art Czar for now. The great news here is that very soon, I will be dividing my time between d20Monkey and Evil Hat, paying the bills, and enjoying more time to work on my own projects. Who knows what 2017 could bring…
Things are looking up.
As a heads-up, I have deleted the post about the delay and the return announcement. I mean no disrespect to the opinions and kind words expressed in the comments sections there, but it will prevent new backlog readers from being confused, etc. and will keep the archive continuous.
Thank you all again for reading, your support, and I hope you enjoy what is to come. Thank you to the 99.9% who understood that I needed to catch up on paying work and get my house in order (in more ways than one). Heavy deadlines and depression are not a good mix. Let’s just say that and move along. Best for everyone, I think.
Welcome back. Sounds like things are sorting themselves out and moving in a very positive direction.
Wait, does this Bill have the last name… Nye?
Or is that a reference to Mr. Bill Door, famous across the Discworld for his skill with a scythe?
I think I know the guy. Practically everyone (magic users especially) generally knows he’s around, but he’s always the last person you ever see in your life
It is awesome to have you back. Glad to hear things a re looking up!. Also, I think your art has leveled up a bit- the lighting and shadows look far more distinct here.
Y’know, I remember the courtship…the wooing…the pixelated wangs.
Man, there has been a shortage of wang in this series lately. I need to fix that.
What do we want?
When do we want them?
The villain in the supers arc… or a villain, or prototype character, the Exwangunator.
Welcome Back! We missed you!
Good news abounds!
Woo! Welcome back! Looks like things are turning out really well for you! Keep being awesome!
This is the happiest I’ve been all week. Welcome back, you beautiful sonuvabitch.
2 things; item one- I am happy, very happy, that you are back with the webcomic and to hear your professional life is coming together so well. It is rare that an artist such as yourself is able be gainfully employed with their art and it is a testament to your skills that you are able to do so. Well done indeed!
item two- more dick jokes please…
wooo hooo its back wooot
Welcome back good sir.
I’ve got a long weekend off work, the sun is shining, and my favourite webcomic is back on business. Today is a good day
Welcome back!
Glad to see you back up and about, Brian! We were all worried about you, mate
No, I’m glad to hear that you got yourself back into some sort of order. Do your best, but don’t burn yourself out, OK?
Welcome back, Brian!
I first found d20Monkey this week and have enjoyed reading through the Archive. I had joined a D&D game after 15 years of hiatus and found the alignment comic researching my character. Really enjoy your work. I’m sure this can be a difficult baby to manage with other parts of life. And depression is no joke. Thanks for all you do and take care of yourself.
Glad to have you back man! Missed the strips by a lot.
Woohoo! Love to see you back on track.
We´ll be here waiting!
Baby steps man, baby steps
I am so excited!
Welcome back and congrats on the new job – Art Czar sounds amazing.
That guy ded.
I tell you he ded.
I tell you he DED!
And on the day that was prophesied, the clouds parted and salvation was granted in the form of a new d20.
On a more serious note, glad to see you again
It sounds like things are going really well, the new logo is great, and I can’t wait to see where this arc goes.
*new strip
Nice to hear things for the house of Brian are looking up! Now for some pixelated art!
Hooray for a steady paycheck! I knew that Fred fella was a good ‘un.
And hooray for new comic, I’ve missed you. (Plus I really want to know about the rug.)
Yay! Brian’s back! Dick pics incoming! XD
The new logo looks really slick, but I do miss the implied d20 dice. Maybe you could make the “o” in monkey in the d20 shape?
Anyways, congrats on the steady paycheck and working on your comic buffer! I can’t wait to get my group into Karthun ourselves
Great Welcome Back Brian!! Yes, loving the new logo, definitely a keeper.
So very excited that you’re working hardcore for Evil Hat!! I personally love the work coming from them and I look forward to getting to reap the benefits of your work with them.
Glad to hear Brian! super excited to see what you have for us next