Vault of Deknar: Part Sixty-Two
Chapter: Season Seven
Between us, I was going to stretch Deyla’s transformation out for a while but ultimately I decided that even I want to get on with it.
Hover-text: That moment right before the shit hits the fan.
Awwwwww…. Shhiiiiittttt.
I am imagining an attack where things begin to burn then it intensifies and each frame the flames get bigger and different colors…. and all that is left is ash of the entire room except for the party.
Dont care if it happens or not… but that is what is in my head.
God damn!
This is a great outcome, especially because it sits right in my sweet spot, where a player makes a decision in D&D not for tactical reasons, but for character reasons, to solve a tactical problem. Hell yes, that is my sister who’s about to die, and I will damn well sacrifice anything to keep her safe.
I’m with you on this. I love character driven reasons.
Is her power Over 9000 now?!
Cue either “Dies Irae” of “Dual of the Fates”
Initiate sphincter tightening in…
Naw. Not Duel of Fates. Remember whose playing the ladies. I’m just waiting for one of them to start singing:
“She’s a brick…house/she’s mighty, mighty/ letting it all hang out…”
One small problem.. “She” said the servants of Felicos will burn.
That’s Sam’s character’s god, judging by his channel energy speech.
Always makes me smile when people are paying attention…
Doesn’t Sam and the Wraiths serve the same God? Two sides of the same coin?
Side note: I really wish there was a wiki about Karthun, I lose myself searching for more information.
On the Wiki: I could make that happen, actually.
I’m regretting being too late on that Kickstarter.
Good news: We will be doing a Backer Kit and EHP is doing distribution to FLGS all over. You will have a chance.
Sweet Felicos! My heart, be still!
Seriously though, that’s great news. My friends and I all read your comic, and love your setting. I caught no end of flak for missing that Kickstarter, heheh.
I just hope I don’t miss that announcement when it opens up!
Is there a mailing list I could get on for that backerkit? Finances have improved since your KS and I want in on Karthun something fierce.
I second that
Woohoo! Sign me up!
Yeah, I had that same “Wait a minute…” reaction.
Oh, dear. Never trust a sentient glove to choose your targets for annihilation.
Dun Dun DUN!
First Karthun Arc – Vella was made a Shepard of the Mother
Second Karthun Arc – Everyone died (doesn’t count)
Third Karthun Arc – Deyla is made a conduit for the divine force of Deknar
I’m calling it. Eventually, one person from each arc is going to be picked to be a chosen of a god, and then there’s going to be a big supergroup team up.
So, basically the Avengers of Karthun?
Because I’d be pretty down with that.
No comment.
Which is a comment, right? Or am I fucking with you? What is saying I am fucking with you is really fucking with you? Have you seen a far-reaching plan? Is asking that question a red herring? A wild goose? Or is that the goose that sees infinity. Oh shit, I said Infinity. Does that mean something? Do any of us mean something? Would you like some coffee? Nachos.
Ooh, what’s on the nachos? I might go for that.
You said infinity! and there’s agauntlet involved!
I absolutely would like some coffee! I also want to hurry up and see where this is going. I want that almost as much as I want to slow down and savor every moment along the way. Of course, I also want to see what’s going on away from the table. Basically, I want you to make several years worth of strips over night so I can binge on them. Unfortunately, you are one of those pesky mortal humans with limited time and energy to cater to my whims.
We can totally make that coffee thing work, though. Right?
Brian have you been listening to Godsfall by chance? XD I am getting strong vibes
I love coffee nachos! How did you know?
Sorry, Sirly. We’re out of coffee nachos. All we’ve got is coffee and nachos.
The gods are choosing their avatars. Forces long asleep move once more.
The World Fire must be quenched.
(Epic Title Sequence)
Servants of Felicos…even the Favored Coins, like Calvis? Uh oh….
“Our God demands a Vessel.”
“However, we are all too…er…important to the Order! Yes too important to give ourselves over to possession.”
“Why don’t we hire some Schmuck to steal The Gauntlet? If he can get past the wards and traps, he’s worthy, right?”
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
Incidentally, since comments were closed for a while, I just wanna say – I loved the strip where Burg threw himself on top of Annabelle. Partly because it’s something that Brett would have never even thought about doing near the beginning of the strip.
Yes, I also loved that it was a moment where Brett broke down and roleplayed.
… Sam, time to be a bad player, metagame a bit, and RUN NOW.
You’re also a target, it would seem! O_O
Holy Shit!! She going to forge their asses in to crisp!