Vault of Deknar: Part Six
Chapter: Season Seven
*GASP* Indeed.
Hey! Do you like RPG maps? Do you like the maps I make? I mean, do you like-like my maps? WELL GOOD NEWS! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!
I am making maps on Patreon now and I would love it if you checked out the link below and possibly spread the word about this new endeavor.
HOVER-TEXT: Deknar’s Ballsack is the name of my first Karthun Erotica Novel.
Serious query: When do we get to read this erotica novel?
I have to finish Chastity Valor first.
Q: ” what do you see? ” A:” weren’t you listening?Deknar’s Ballsack! Weren’t you listening? “
bag of holding?
Back in my day we had dice you had to color in with a crayon. And none of these new-fangled d10s either, your d20 was numbered 0-9 twice. And we had to walk to the games, up hill, both ways, in the snow.
Normally I’m a pretty big Brett fan but in this arc he’s kind of getting on my nerves.
So Brett must not have played 2nd Edition ADnD. You got XP for just about everything, even when doing run of the mill class actions.
I’ve been in campaigns where I got XP just for doing community service.
granted, I usually play paladins, but if we’re taking an in-game month off to put our hard-earned winnings in the bank, craft new magical experiments and get a “Feel” for how the world’s doing, local news and such, touch base with the nobility, why WOULDN’T we? makes a lot of sense in retrospect.
you’re talking to people, going about your daily business, managing material, property and funds, having diplomatic encounters, brushing up on things like logistics, diplomacy, and security, and who knows what else. a professional adventuring party is–in our game at least–actually acknowledged as “hey, these guys can get shit done, reliably.”
therefore the GM basically started giving us XP to represent that. which helped, because we were on the SLOW track.
I do similar, for players who research/think about what they should be doing, including player research into ideas – as this represents their character doing deep consideration about what they’ve experienced. It has to be mostly in character (eg you can’t get experience on game world “attack on the dungeon effects” by watching endless Trump political speaechs unless you can relate it in game – or school time planning, unless you can relate it to what your character is planning. But then, I love alternative worlds, and different settings, not just an escape fantasy where heroes can blow up hospitals deliberately and create mega-destruction magics to overcome their own insignificance as members of soceity.
The maps thing looks awesome.
Question about these maps, what’s the grid size?
I may just be extremely dense, but what is the difference between the two patron tiers?
About this map thing… to be totally honest, I was really excited, because in my campaign the players just hit level 5, and I need them to know more about the world. So I’m about to do a week of “make custom maps” which would be really handy to have handed off to someone whose style I already knew I liked… Then when I read about the “Illustrated NPCs” well that news just got better…
And then I read all the fine print, and I’d be funding you to do whatever maps and illustrated NPCs you wanted, instead of what I wanted… and… well… I like supporting artists, but I don’t have the spare cash to invest in the hobby on things I may or may not be able to use.
So I have an alternate proposal: how much would it cost to have you do a custom map or illustration for my D&D game? (and to be clear, at this time, I need country sized maps, so you wouldn’t particularly be confined to a grid)