Vault of Deknar: Part Forty-Two
Chapter: Season Seven
The church of Felicos, the King of Rogues is divided into two major factions: The Favored Coins and the Daggers of Felicos.
The Favored Coins are rogues and scoundrels. They are Han Solo.
The Daggers of Felicos are assassins. They are treacherous and cold-blooded. They actively scheme against the Favored Coins and against each other in the pursuit of being the First Dagger of Felicos.
HOVER-TEXT: Goooooooood stealth checks, Kids.
I am delighted and entertained by this lore. Please continue :3
So… good rogues and bad rogues?
Spooky noochies.
This is the stuff!
Good world building.
Two sides of the same coin.
Tis a theme through most of my work.
So The Favored Coins are Han solo and chewie and The Daggers of Felicos are the Sith
Sure, if the Sith killed Han Solo and Chewie, stuffed their souls into coins, and forced them to fight Luke and Leia.
Well, Episode VII got us half-way there; so I guess we’ll see what Episode VIII has in store…
NICE…this is the way a dual-natured entity (as well as the teachings of said entity/god) should work. none of this ‘if a god(dess) has paladins and they are not LG by alignment, then they try to emphasize the LG portion of that diety.’ ive always found that to be BULLSHIT in D&D, a paladin of mystra should be the type that holds themselves to a strict standard, but magic is the heart of their creed, not law and good, and thus does not force their beliefs on anyone else (as magic = freedom imo)
that the description alone SAYS that the church is divided into major factions is also a great storytelling point. i can see many of the masked assassins having the face of a favored coin in public, again displaying the dual-nature.
“Umm, hello. Fancy meeting you here.”
This is why you have knowledge checks in rpg’s. Great job Carlos!
Did I mention I am really looking forward to the release of the Karthun setting. I already have a captive audience of players ready to play. Did I say captive? Strike that. Who would keep a group of people locked in their basement to play a game that would be crazy hehe heh I am gonna shut up now I have to go feed my cats yes that’s it cats…
Totally using these things in a game. There is something, whats the word, poetic about these things when thrown at thief characters.