Until Death: Part Ten
Chapter: Season Four
Characters: Beatrice Vaughn - PC, The Knights of Salem - NPCs
Well we are certainly into the action now and I admit, I do love to draw spellcaster throwdown. I don’t say this sort of thing often but that panel with Beatrice wrecking Barrow’s fire construct could be my favorite action panel ever.
I’ve never shown an angry or aggressive side to Beatrice (or Amy playing Beatrice) but this would hit home for her and well, she’s pissed. That isn’t good… for anyone. In CoC mythos magic always has a heavy cost. Always.
Fan-effing-tastic! I love the way you do spell effects, and the writing on this is awesome!
Thank you very much, Dustin! I absolutely love to draw pages like this. It takes a little longer than usual but I feel that it is worth it.
Everything about this particular strip is badass.
I love this arc, and this page in particular really nails it home.
Call of Cthulhu is the one game that never really bores me when I find playings online (The players sometimes… but other than that). I thank you for helping to introduce me to it.
I was so close to getting to play a game not that long ago… damn buses.
I have chills. Fantastic work, sir!
Oh dear. That alt text does not sound good at all.
Also, I now have the theme for Green Hill Zone stuck in my head something fierce. Do do DO DO DO DO DO
I friggin’ LOVE THIS! That fire spell is BEAUTIFUL*! And the clash of those two spells striking each other is amazing. It’s a great throw-down, and if the strip that led me to you weren’t still my favourite, this would be.
I’m pretty sure it’s a water hammer, but I can’t help but see a mop. How sexist of me!
Brian, this comic is amazing! You rock!
It’s because the hammer splashes when she swings it. You can see it’s more clearly shaped before it starts moving.
Burning sanity points by the truckload are we? I think the point of every Cthulhu game is to find a way to go out with a bang anyway!
I notice that although they’re both casting, only Beatrice is paying an obvious cost for her magic. Is this why Mr. Barrows is so unhinged? Because he already paid his price, and that price was his sanity?
Bingo. He is off the deep end already. At this point his sanity tank is empty and he is writing checks his ass cannot cash.
I see what you did there. “Fire Wolf” and “Water Hammer”.
Magic always has a cost, whether it’s your soul or your mind, and one has to either be determined or insane to willingly pay it. Love it!
Beautiful. I love the fire lion.
Incredible! And on Labor Day, no less. You are a super hero.
Also, Beatrice wailing on the fire construct with The L’eau-hammer is badass!!
You do draw a fine magical glow. As I’ve said before, you’ve outdone yourself, and I think I’ll have to stop saying that because you always seem to outdo yourself. It’s becoming a habit.
I am likewise enjoying this fantastic contest of magic.
In other words, *WOW!*
This comic keeps getting better and better!
That Mr. Barrows, always a happy lookin fella.
I love the scene going on here, and it is very well drawn. My only complaint (and really it’s more of a compliment) is that you brought up the big news with Larry and then basically did a Mic drop.
“We Failed” boom.
back to CoC action.
Fire doggy need a swat on the nose with a rolled up water-magazine!
so let me get this, these guys are witch hunters, right? you know kill the evil magic users and yet here’s this guy using magic. does this not compute with anyone else or is it just me?
Oh they are raging nut bags. Step back a post and you’ll see where I talk about the Knights of Salem. They’re off the deep end now, enslaving casters like Mr. Barrows to “fight fire with fire” all the while believing they will burn in hell for doing so.
So kinda like the Spanish Inquisition, then? They knew that torturing people into confessing was wrong, but believed that their going to hell to save others was worth it. Really fucked up, is what I’m getting at here.
I am loving the description.
Of course magic has a cost! That’s why you pull a “Sir Montgomery” and find yourself a Mr. Barrows to weild. >:)