I had no idea the identity of the voice I was hearing, but now that I’ve looked up Holly Hunter, I know by her face that that is the voice I was already hearing.
I kept hearing him like Jared Harris (a la Moriarty in the Downey-Jr version of Sherlock Holmes, and David Robert Jones in Fringe). Suitably ‘ego-driven villain with a sadistic streak’ type voice.
…Now I’m wondering who could play the rest of the cast in a potential movie/animated adaptation (which would be awesomeness on an epic level!)
That’s what I assumed. Nice to have it confirmed! Holly Hunter in Copycat.
Looker this lady up after this comment. Sirly, that is the PERFECT voice for her!
Nearly the whole cast is in “Something blew up and we haven’t seen the aftermath” territory. So… yeah… deaths?
At least one confirmed death – the other ogrekin
I had no idea the identity of the voice I was hearing, but now that I’ve looked up Holly Hunter, I know by her face that that is the voice I was already hearing.
I’m guessing that he thinks everyone at the Dragon’s Den is dead but that Charlie got his shield spell off and saved them all.
Lee and Trevor?
Oh, Clive’s been hanging around with Dove, I see.
I imagined Clive sounds like Bobcat Goldthwaite, in case anyone cares
I kept hearing him like Jared Harris (a la Moriarty in the Downey-Jr version of Sherlock Holmes, and David Robert Jones in Fringe). Suitably ‘ego-driven villain with a sadistic streak’ type voice.
…Now I’m wondering who could play the rest of the cast in a potential movie/animated adaptation (which would be awesomeness on an epic level!)
I hear Clive as Vincent Price.
Maybe I give him too much credit.
For Clive, I imagined it as Jere Burns from the role he played in Burn Notice.
That there is some goddamn Karin Murphy level shit.
Lol, was thinking the same thing
All this destruction, all this pain, and Clive decides to fuck to Satan-knows-where?
Seen how this story ends, and I wasn’t a huge fan of it then, either.
Check, please.
*Check delivered*
Thanks for coming by.
The check says “Hey you literally didn’t pay for any of this so get over yourself”
You say Holly Hunter, but I’m going to keep hearing Tommy Lee Jones in the Fugitive.
‘A hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, hen house, and dog house in that area.”
I can only assume she’ll call someone a Warthog From Hell then
I didn’t think you could make me like Clive even less, but I could FEEL the sneer in his voice when he said “female”. Well done!
Should’ve just pepper-sprayed the both of them.
It’s fine, Clive is archaic enough to not realize she probably has a body cam running.
Pretty sure I saw the previous page in Gears 5