With the arrival of Mel’s new character, Gerta Stonesong (dwarven bard) and the reveal of the group’s intentions, things really get underway next week.

I realize some of you out there may not pick up on the significance of Gerta dropping “Expedition to the Barrier Peaks” so allow me to bring you up to speed. The short version is Expedition is the old-school module Sam plans to run for Pops and the rest of the group and in my experience the adventure falls into what I would call infamous territory for some of the ideas it presented. Granted, if you do not want to have any of the iconic scenes from the adventure potentially spoiled for you, just stop here and do not click the link to the Wikipedia article.


In addition to today’s comic, I also submitted a blog post yesterday where I talk about validation and the idea of being one of the “cool kids”. It is a subject that I believe a lot of folks wrestle with and it is one of the subjects I want to talk about with anyone who is interested.

I hope you guys have a great weekend! Monday brings a new comic and a few new things for the store as well oooooooooooooo /cryptic

– Brian