I can’t wait to see what pops out of that, and I would bet Brett feels the same (assuming he didn’t pre-set what could be there.) Iron Flasks are so much fun!
Thanks. Now I’m just gonna sit here and wonder why on earth I can’t get ye flask. ‘Cause you’re not gonna tell me, and these comments don’t have any graphics to help out either.
C’mon cursed item! Cursed hip-flask of uncoolness perhaps? User immediately turns into what he finds most uncool and square. Or flask of drinking? Make a will save to stop chugging from an infinite amount of booze. Or a flask of drinking that tries to drain the user of his precious bodily fluids? The possibilities are endless!
Knowing what that magic item may or may not be, and whether it may or may not have something/someone inside… That’s gonna be interesting.
“There could be anything in there” (said in my best impersonation of Darren McGavin)
I’ll guess either an Efreeti Bottle or a Flagon of Dragons.
Iron Flask though… Yet more fun random tables for what’s in there. Ought to be real delightful!
Oh god so many moments of awe inspiring horror and awesomeness are connected to this item in my group
Good call, the Iron Flask had slipped thru the memory cracks in me aged gamer brain
Good call, the Iron Flask had slipped thru the memory cracks in me aged gamer brain
Or maybe a chalice with a palace?
Just not the vessel with the pestle
Nor the flagon with the dragon
Oh, DIS gon be gud.
*grabs popcorn*
Even just an Eversmoking Bottle, would be an interesting (and highly profitable) find.
Or, hell. It might not be magical at all. It might just be a really nice flask, filled with what is (or once was) extremely top-shelf Dwarven whiskey.
Given the swirly bits, probably an Eversmoking Bottle. Brett may be old-school, but even with random rolls he’s already dropped one Major Magic Item…
Iron Flask of Tuerney the Merciless?
If so, that’s a potent artifact to get. Probably a knock-off.
Iron Flask of Tuarney the Irritated, then?
(Yes, mis-spelling intentional, damn those cheap knockoff goods …)
I can’t wait to see what pops out of that, and I would bet Brett feels the same (assuming he didn’t pre-set what could be there.) Iron Flasks are so much fun!
I’m wondering if it’s the opposite: a prison for Dwayla.
…ok, the Dungeon isn’t caving in like in the end of The Mummy, that’s good.
You can’t get ye flask!
Thanks. Now I’m just gonna sit here and wonder why on earth I can’t get ye flask. ‘Cause you’re not gonna tell me, and these comments don’t have any graphics to help out either.
C’mon cursed item! Cursed hip-flask of uncoolness perhaps? User immediately turns into what he finds most uncool and square. Or flask of drinking? Make a will save to stop chugging from an infinite amount of booze. Or a flask of drinking that tries to drain the user of his precious bodily fluids? The possibilities are endless!
This could be dangerous…
It might be full of dwarven ale! You realise what that stuff can do to a comparatively-weak human body?!! The consequences don’t bear thinking about!
No kidding, that stuff let you grow hair on your chest…regardles of Gender. xD
We had a DM that gave someone an everpouring flask. It would fill up like 2x a day.
It gave Ale when the sunlight was up, he had it like 2 days.
After a fierce battle that night being ambushed, and nearly dying decided to drain it in celebration… 4d6+8 acid dmg.
Failed their save. DM did say it had a ‘bitter Hoppy taste’