No Context Theatre: March 2015
Chapter: Season Five
In what has become the traditional palette cleanser between arcs, I present a new No Context Theatre. I took last week off to wrap some deadlines, travel, see my girlfriend, and celebrate my birthday. I scheduled a post to let everyone know and like a total damn dork, I borked it. Some folks reached out, posted, and expressed concern for me. Guys, that is amazing, I appreciate the hell out of it, and I apologize for making you worry. I’m okay and we’re back in session.
HOVER-TEXT: Never let Hamburglar drive. That son of a bitch goes Toonces in a heartbeat.
Nice to finally see an update. I was getting worried about you.
Sorry to make you worry! I’m okay. I just took a little birthday vacation and totally borked the scheduled post saying as much.
Its alive!!!
Have we seen the previous one yet?
Previous one?
Elberik this is “no context theater” not “caption contest”
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person who even remembers Grimace’s existence.
Dammit Brian! Don’t scare me like that!
Whew! I was getting worried there for a minute (or 70,000).
I wonder where Ronald is in all of this?
He’s raging over DnD campaign that he was idling masturbating to.
I think this strip qualifies as a Non Sequitur. And I’m okay with that.
Nothing can destroy the Grimace!
I admit, I peeked over at your Twitter regularly to make sure you were posting and cool.
Glad to hear everything okay! I didn’t want to poke you, since thought you might have needed a break after the “holidays craze”. You know, the “January-in-March blahs”. Just hoping you don’t have the snow to go with that.
Alright I have to say it, this does have context of sorts. Anybody else, other than me see a movie called Thelma and Louise, with a girlfriend, in which at the end they do the exact scene shown above?
Hahahaha! Yes, I’m pretty sure this is the movie it’s from, this is essentially the exact ending scene from Thelma and Louise, down to the car flying off the cliff, fading to white, and then the “Fin”.
I didn’t watch it with a girlfriend though, as I’m a FA.
Oh and no problem Brian, I recalled last year you took a break around your birthday and just figured you did it again this year.
Two of the three No Context Theatres involve McDonalds. Two of the three also involve dicks.
I’m pleasantly surprised. This is the first one without dicks.
Oh nice happy belated birthday! Just celebrated mine on the 15th.
Good to know you’re OK!
Oh nice happy belated birthday! Just celebrated mine on the 15th.
Good to know you’re OK!
As long as it’s not this Hamburglar going over the cliff, pursued by police.
It has a Thelma and Louise feel to it….
“Toonces” nice reference.
I didn’t even notice that they’re holding a hamburger at first.
Alas, at least this is the first No Context Theater that didn’t have to be digitally censored!
What you can’t see is that Hamburglar isn’t wearing any pants. One of the Fry Kids is also in the car, unseen from this angle (use your imagination).
…the Mayor’s in the trunk.