Heeeeeere We Are
Chapter: Comics, Season Five
Don’t worry #TeamCarlos, he and Nana Diaz will return. This arc is winding down and well, it’s not going well for Sam on the new player front.
I hope you guys do not mind another car shot. I am using this strip as an excuse to draw that set up and angles again for practice.
More on Friday!
HOVER-TEXT: Are you humming Queen now? You’re welcome. If not, what the hell have you done with your life?
…BORN TO BE KINGS we’re the princes of the UNIVERSE!!! *guitar solo*
website is a link to the official video on the queen youtube channel
What the Hell HAVE I done with my life?
Gotta tell you, I was having a bit of a tough day. (Power outage due to a downed live line, one of the two access points to town cut off because of it, plus prepping the farm for major freeze and snow before Thursday, while having to drive 200 miles tomorrow – not the worst day of my life, but rushed and stressful and with the added concern of losing several hundred pounds of meat in my freezer due to the outage.)
Then I saw this strip and I giggled. A lot. MARCO POLO. With KATANAS. Thank you for the laugh!
Oh man that would be a messed up tv series.
Picture a world where every blind, deaf, and otherwise disabled person was in a secret neverending supernatural warfare with each other.
Hell i’d watch it.
Clans based on disabilities or every man for himself? Just curious.
Each clan has 1 person of each disability
I needed a chuckle. Good times~
That Queen reference made my day!! Thank you so much!
It’s not that I mind the car shots. What bugs me is you using that cheap movie screen gimmick for the rear window backgrounds instead of going to the trouble of drawing the actual characters in a car driving down the streets.
Fair enough. I’ll try to be better.
They need to get pulled over by Charlie’s police love interest!
It’s a subtle thing I noticed, but I like the change in shadows between when they were first driving over there and when they left. Actually makes it feel like time passed.
I’m not sure if that was intentional or not, but hey it works!
Is his car an old Shelby? My other guess would be a custom painted Hornet. My Da’s friend had a Hornet painted line a Shelby back in the 70’s. That thing went faster than factory spec should have allowed. He padlocked the hood, too…