Harsh Reflections: Part Nineteen
Chapter: Season Six
I like strips like this. We all know that moment at the beginning of an adventure when the GM kind of lays out some exposition to set everything up. In Sam’s sessions (and often mine) he gives the players some advance info so they can deliver the hooks and promote roleplaying.
HOVER-TEXT: Yes smart asses, many Bothans died to bring them that information. I KNOW YOU. I KNOW YOUR JOKES ARE COMING. Hee hee, coming.
The Grin, eh? He must be a right jolly specter! I’m sure he simply wants to spread his mirth to everyone. I’m sure everybody’s overreacting, and they’ll get there to find that the joke’s on them!
So… Joker Gas?
Magic Joker gas
if it was the Grim then its the sign of death coming, but the Grin, you just know something funny if going on….
I was reading along, the Bothan thing flew through my head, and then I read the hover text…I almost spit my salad all across my computer laughing. :p
I hate to say it but I had a star wars moment when I first read it and had a star wars geek out laugh of doom when I read the hover text.
Yes but how many Bothans? the answer, not nearly enough.
So… I guess I don’t get it. Bothan?
There’s a very famous line from Star Wars Episode IV when they’re revealing the Death Star’s exhaust port; “Many Bothans died to bring us this information” (In the Star Wars loreverse, Bothans are a race that specialize in espionage), which Brian referenced, intentionally or no, when Hale says “Many lost their lives to the Mother to give us this opportunity.”
Episode VI, not IV. Mon Mothma was the one who said the line, before Han laid out his commando team for the surface mission on the moon of Endor.
… wow, I am a colossal nerd.
Oh, that’s right, it was the shield generator, not the exhaust port. Sorry, too many Death Stars and accompanying weaknesses to keep track of.
The best Death Star is still the fan made flick, “Death Star Repairmen” in which you see what really destroyed the Death Star when Luke shot his load of missiles…… Not saying, you have to find it and watch it to know the truth……
We understand that many Bothans died to bring the information. what if it was really just Manny Bothans, and the Bothans just used him to spearhead their way into the rebellion? personally im going to be interested to see Carlos’ character get all sith lord on this guy (im betting LN or LE alignment?)
I guess in this world being a cultist is all it’s ‘cracked up’ to be……
If he’s “the grin”, does that mean that we need Batman to save us?
Dear Iron King, you could’ve started the conversation with a “I need you to stop an evil cult from summoning a joker-demon-thing”, and THEN mention the fact that they need to kill a noble. This way, you could’ve avoid the trouble of making everybody in the room think you’re using them for a political assassination.
PS: How did you and your wife manage things in bed with genitals made of pure metal? Asking for a friend.
I am going to need to try this getting my players to bait the hook themselves bit.
Things are getting good, cant wait to get the book for myself and get into the lore.
Speaking of, if I have had a change of address since I backed the campaign do I need to inform you guys now or will you confirm addresses before shipping?
I know its not done yet I just figure best to do this before its too late.
King: “My daughter is dead!!”
Sentinel: “We must all don these flying, echolocating, nocturnal mammal costumes. It’s a ritual requirement for fighting the Grin.”
Have we all missed the “Wipe the Grin off the face of Karthun” until now?
And I searched comments specifically to see if anyone caught this… lol. congrats on being the 1st.
Really? Didn’t go for “to wipe the Grin off his face”? Tsk tsk. Every time you ignore a pun, God kills a FSSSH.
Nice page, and, as always, bloody stoked for Karthun.
Something of an aside (and hopefully not unwanted or out of place), Wizards of the coast is currently doing a survey for the month of July regarding what worlds we as players want to see updated for 5th edition. Well, not just worlds, also races and classes, with an additional section for comments. I’m a bit of a Dark Sun fanatic, so I went through and picked options to reflect that. Only bringing it up to encourage people who are passionate about certain settings and whatnot to give their two cents and be heard.
A bit of a shameless plug, I’ll admit. I’m a bit excited about this one.
I may actually try to pick some brains here sometime later as I’m going to have to do some major world building myself, I have a campaign setting I made but it’s going to undergo massive changes because of the PCs and will more or less require a complete re build the next time I run it.
I’m putting in a guess.
Telsin ISN’T actually being chosen as the first male host, Sherrin has been chosen as another female host and Telsin is luring her to The Grin by slipping information to them.
Interesting twist.
My guess however is the Grin needs a male host to permanently manifest itself in this world.
My guess is that Sherrin is the host, and the ‘cult’ is actually a group of folks who are dedicated to stopping the Grin.
The part I never like is when the enemy has chosen to do something for an unknown reason which is out of the norm, case in point its choosing a male host instead of a female host when all hosts before this were all female………. You just know that’s going to be bad mojo from the very start….