Gettin’ Me Frustrated
Chapter: Season Nine
As this arc is winding down, I want to start giving everyone a heads-up that I am planning a pledge drive soon to promote my Patreon and make a call for folks who want to do one-time pledges to the d20Monkey Team. I will have more information as the event approaches.
The next arc should be a doozy too…
Because I have always been hip and cool with what the kids these days are into, there was a brief point where I thought she was breaking into the Facts of Life theme song.
I sometimes can’t help thinking that Lee, Sam, and Trevor could work out all of these issues with the help of a bottle of rum, a quiet cottage with a serene view of a lake, some honest talk, and maybe a Slip-and-Slide.
I regularly feel like that whenever someone brings up relationship/friendship drama that involves more people than necessary. Like when a couple has issues and all their friends/familymembers start chipping in. Please just have them spend a weekend together to try to talk stuff out.
That just not how a lot of these things work out. Talking is hard. For some it’s not, but for a ton of people, sharing things is monumentally difficult no matter how close you are to someone.
What Matt said.
Also, how many of our favorite stories would be over in five minutes if they just got in a room and talked? That isn’t to say Lee, Sam, and Pops will never do that, but its a marathon, not a sprint.
Maybe. . .
. . . but the Slip and Slide, Brian! The Slip and Side! Especially if Amy is there!
Also, I am very reassured by your comments. For Sam and Lee’s sake.
Chill out, what’cha yellin’ for…
Lee’s just a sk8tr boi
Pop’s said see you later boi.
I guess it shows what planet I live on that I had to look up “Avril.”
I like doozies… 😀
(NOT a euphemism!)
I love the fact that you can see Trevor see the song coming by the expression on his face! That is some Masterwork cartooning there!