Alas! I shall not be able to attend this year as I tried to the year past. But stay thine ponies no further, for next year I will surely be in the presence of the glorious radiance that is Con. Huzzah! (Was I knightly enough?)
people in other universes can probably agree on “anyone but dove”, but dallas’ determination suggests that he somehow pissed in her cornflakes personally. backstory there?
It could be related to Dallas’ personal issues with the Sausage club of D&D. after all, she did have to work under a male pseudonym to get published. and Dove seems like the kind of ass that would perpetuate that feeling or intentionally make an offhanded comment of that nature.
Considering Dallas’s own backstory, and Dove’s capacity for being an utter dick he probably did or said something really bad, probably putting down women, to piss Dallas off.
Is it wrong of me to want to see one of the girls crack ol’ Phil in the mouth IRL? As much as losing the dungeon run’s going to hurt him, I still want to see him get a real world lesson in Don’t Be a Dick.
That’s not necessarily such a hot idea. I would think that losing the run would hurt him more than a smack IRL would, since that’s hitting him where he lives. I don’t think he’s under any illusions about being a tough guy IRL, but he’s a raging egomaniac about gaming.
Extra giggle points if the fate involves glitter. I can think of over a dozen ways to accomplish that, only using core 3.5, just off the top of my head. Surely Amy could be more… creative… in a custom setting.
Hover-Text: GenCon is coming…
Alas! I shall not be able to attend this year as I tried to the year past. But stay thine ponies no further, for next year I will surely be in the presence of the glorious radiance that is Con. Huzzah! (Was I knightly enough?)
I will be there!
And cash is going (right out the window.)
people in other universes can probably agree on “anyone but dove”, but dallas’ determination suggests that he somehow pissed in her cornflakes personally. backstory there?
It could be related to Dallas’ personal issues with the Sausage club of D&D. after all, she did have to work under a male pseudonym to get published. and Dove seems like the kind of ass that would perpetuate that feeling or intentionally make an offhanded comment of that nature.
Gotta offer you a small correction there mate; Dove is MOST CERTAINLY the kind of ass that would say and or do stuff like that. That guy is a dick.
Confirmed as of the next comic.
nice hehe, i was wondering what all are the races in kathrun? (sorry if i completly mispelled it lol)
I hope Amy’s okay
Considering Dallas’s own backstory, and Dove’s capacity for being an utter dick he probably did or said something really bad, probably putting down women, to piss Dallas off.
woo! dallas is on Team AnyoneButDove!
Oh man she’s grudgey. Still, knowing Dove, its probably justified
Is it wrong of me to want to see one of the girls crack ol’ Phil in the mouth IRL? As much as losing the dungeon run’s going to hurt him, I still want to see him get a real world lesson in Don’t Be a Dick.
Nope. Not wrong at all friend. He’s had it coming for far too long.
That’s not necessarily such a hot idea. I would think that losing the run would hurt him more than a smack IRL would, since that’s hitting him where he lives. I don’t think he’s under any illusions about being a tough guy IRL, but he’s a raging egomaniac about gaming.
Oh, and obviously hitting him IRL would have consequences that whupping his ass in a game wouldn’t.
My guess? (read: Dream) …a corner will be turned and Amy will already be standing over Dove’s corpse.
The thought just makes me giggle. A lot.
Extra giggle points if the fate involves glitter. I can think of over a dozen ways to accomplish that, only using core 3.5, just off the top of my head. Surely Amy could be more… creative… in a custom setting.
She’s a stone mage right? Surely minerals like micah and obsidian could be used for a similar effect?