Dungeon Run: Accords
I love Tamina, guys. Seriously.
A small bit of Karthun lore: Felicos, The King of Shadows, The Lord of Chance is the patron deity of thieves, assassins, and fortune tellers, largely. In the Days of the Six Gods, Sehad, the World Warden held fate in his charge until he was murdered by Felicos. Unable to control fate (as he had intended), Felicos’ resigned to guard over fate and hold some sway over chance to cleverly ingratiated himself to the races of Karthun.
Mechanically, Mel’s priestess uses a deck of tarot cards as her holy symbol and may choose to draw a card in combat (rolled randomly). This card can help or hinder the priestess and her allies/enemies (Yes, I have a full list of the tarot deck and each card’s effect).
The guy in the middle there? More on him later.
I read that and all I hear is Dave Chappelle as Rick James saying “cold blooded”
Rude smack talk gets you imploded, competitive or not. There’s aiming to win and there’s being a jerk.
This. One-thousand times.
those who violate wheton’s law shalt be struck down
Indeed. By the mightiest of blows. Will Wheaton’s Cockpunch of FURIOUS Anger.
Wheaton’s Law is a good catch all in this situation.
I would like to draw Wil in a comic someday.
Maybe Wheaton could present the award at the end of the run, like tabletop style
“I’m Princess Tamina, bitch!”
Crit-a-licious, hmm i see a new shirt for the ladies lol
That shirt. Yes.
Can I hear a heck yeah for that shirt!
Heck yeah!
For the ladies, for the guys, for the others too – no reason only the ladies can be “Crit-a-licious”!
Man, I cannot wait for the Karthun Campaign Setting to come out. Your world is awesome!
Me too. Man Brian if you put this stuff out we will all be handing you cash head over foot
This year a KS may appear. We’ll see.
I’ve said it before, here and elsewhere: I haven’t gamed with any kind of regularity in nearly 20 years. To date, I’ve never been compelled to fund anything on KS either.
If you decide to “take Karthun to press” via crowd sourcing, I’m not going to be able to say either of those things anymore.
Man, that’s just not cool. Gleefully
Hopefully she’ll get her comeuppance soon enough.
Ah, more pieces to the puzzle.
Since Felicos is only able to affect chance and twists of destiny (or that’s what I got from the text this late at night), I’m going to guess that Sehad would have total control of fate if he was still alive.
If a god can take (at least partial) control of another’s domain if one dies, did someone get some of Valkyr’s powers or that didn’t count since she only turned evil?
Unless the clerics use a different kind of Tarot deck, with Knight as a card it looks like the minor Arcana will also be represented (does the suit also change the result?).
If the player actually takes a card from a Tarot deck, I’m going to guess that the minor Arcana (being more common) only gives small bonus while the major ones will have more drastic effects.
Anyways, great job, can’t wait to see the results of this storyline.
Sehad was a steward of fate. He guided it a bit and protected it but Felicos believed (foolishly) that he could have absolute control over it.
As for Valkyr’s domains of valor, justice, etc. some are fostered by the remaining pantheon but nature abhors a vacuum (even among the gods) and there is a belief that one day the mantle of the God/Goddess of Valor will be filled once more. Sehad made such a cryptic prediction with his dying breath.
“In the darkest storm, the light of valor still waits to shine. All that is required, is time.”
It is this belief/prophecy that spurs The Mother of the Dead to actively hunt those who would take up valor and strive to be the new beacon of justice. Such is her pain and hatred.
I was thinking I wanted to play a Thief-Bard, but now I want a bardly priest of fates. A Fate Singer, perhaps. This mechanic is too cool.
So, if one wished to ascend to Godhood, they already have a vacancy?
Not that it would be easy.
Indeed and no, it would not be easy at all but the option is there for groups to explore.
Man, I love enchanted Tarot cards. I’ve spent… many hours with a deck of celtic tarot cards and writing out abilities. Two per card, one for the upright, one for the reverse.
I do it fairly repeatedly since I start not liking the writing and start doing it again.
Her tiara speaks to mine.
Well…it’s not impossible that she doesn’t die. Maybe she’ll bet possesed by the worm and start destroying the other players.
I love this idea so much.
So, you made the Deck of Many Things an accepted holy item in-setting? I’m not sure whether to be impressed or terrified. o_o
It’s a stripped down version but the bonuses/penalties do increase as a priest of Felicos advances in level.
What happens if someone were to surreptitiously replace it with a deck of many things?
Memories. Wonderful memories.
The tarot card mechanic is absolutely great. One of my favourite P&P role-playing games, Sine Requie (sadly only available in italian), uses the minor and major arcana tarot card decks instead of dice. Characteristics, attacks, actions, all done by drawing cards from a deck instead of rolling dice
So it’s something like a Rolemaster Tarotmage deck of many teachings. interesting. That does promise a few very serious adverse effects either way
In my d20Monkey will-never-happen-fantasies, Tamina’s voice in the d20Monkey video game/animated series is played by Retta (Donna from Parks and Rec).
Dude, will you stop teasing us with all this sweet Karthun lore and give us a book already?!?
…. wow, she is…. seriously wearing a sparkly crown at the table.
I would love to see your list of tarot card stats! It sounds like such an interesting twist on a clerics holy symbol.
I know we’ve seen Tamina before, right? Can you do some Tamina tags on the next update???
Is that the full 100-card tarot deck from Piers Anthony?
Playing a bit of Pathfinder this week and my boy (playing a dwarf mage) says, “This is boring” just as his character takes lethal damage. The rest of the family says, “well, if you don’t want to play with us, we’ll get on without you.” And, with a little help from this GM, they did. He comes back the next day saying, “I want to play, but something more fun.” Barbarian, anybody? Bring him into the next game and he’s where all the action is and everybody is grateful for him.
Lesson learned: sometimes, it’s a matter of finding the right character fit to the player.
I don’t see why the +2 would’ve helped. I mean, wouldn’t the priestess have gotten a +2 to resist the bullrush as well?? =|:}P
I take a little bit of license in these situations just to get the joke over and move the story along.
She was surprised and caught flat-footed.
I’ve determined that I am not the only one from my group who read’s this webcomic. Last night, I was shoved into this position. It helped the group over-all, but nonetheless it sucked.
That guy in the middle, is that Rob from LICD? Is this why we never see him in that series, he’s too busy hanging out at the store and playing D&D?