HOVER-TEXT: True story: The original punchline to this strip was a Lawrence Welk joke and then I realized maybe 20% would get it and then I felt older than one of Davy Crockett’s turds. Also, Davy Crockett turds is my western/punk cover band.
Davy Crockett is a famous American Frontiersman, US Senator (really!), and died in the battle of the Alamo. Later he became famous again with a popular folk song about him and a Disney TV show.
And Seth Parker? as Davey Crockett… If I remember it correctly. (nope I Googled it…Fess Parker) man that was a long time ago. It’s weird how those old TV show themes stick with ya’.
OMG! I remember Robin Williams’ bit about Lawrence Welk from one of his albums (Live at the Met?):
“Tank you boyse, dat was a bitchin’ boss soul. Now, we-a gonna listen to-a de lov-e-ly Lemmon Sisters singin’ “I can’t-a get no a sa-tis-fac-tion.” “
HOVER-TEXT: True story: The original punchline to this strip was a Lawrence Welk joke and then I realized maybe 20% would get it and then I felt older than one of Davy Crockett’s turds. Also, Davy Crockett turds is my western/punk cover band.
I feel the appropriate response is “Lawrence Welk? Who the heck is that?”, even if I really do know.
Come on…for those of us old enough to remember (and, well, maybe, have watched ) Lawrence Welk, what was the joke?
It’s about him getting jiggy with his accordion….
Who is Lawrence Welk?
… *flips table!* … *storms out!*
Who is Davy Crockett?
Not sure if a Yank or just yanking.
All I know is he “killed him a bar, when he was only 3” so I’m guessing he was an alcoholic
Hah! I still have a Crockett hat.
Davy Crockett is a famous American Frontiersman, US Senator (really!), and died in the battle of the Alamo. Later he became famous again with a popular folk song about him and a Disney TV show.
Knowledgeable this one is. Pleased I am.
In which TV show Davy Crockett’s faithful sidekick was played by Buddy Ebsen, better known to most of us as Jed Clampett.
And Seth Parker? as Davey Crockett… If I remember it correctly. (nope I Googled it…Fess Parker) man that was a long time ago. It’s weird how those old TV show themes stick with ya’.
OK, I officially feel old now….. Throw the sod over me and get it over with…….
….and a one, and a two….
Where are the bubbles!!! LOL!!!
“Let’s go. Let’s boogaloo till we puke.” – Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam
I knew L Welk, but only because my family is from Minnesota. It was like a joke, “holy crap LW’s on!!!”
I know about Davy Crockett. I know nothing about Lawrence Welk
An accordionist?
My favorite LW quote (which I may have totally fabricated):
“Play dat-a funky music white-a boy.”
Slightly fabricated, but I can actually hear him say that…or maybe Robin Williams a la Good Morning Vietnam as LW
OMG! I remember Robin Williams’ bit about Lawrence Welk from one of his albums (Live at the Met?):
“Tank you boyse, dat was a bitchin’ boss soul. Now, we-a gonna listen to-a de lov-e-ly Lemmon Sisters singin’ “I can’t-a get no a sa-tis-fac-tion.” “
Ok…so what was the Lawrence Welk punchline?
Maybe it’s indicative of your demographic, but some of us watched the LW Hour EVERY Saturday night.
The silhouette totally looks like a Wookie.