2016 Holiday Certificate
Chapter: Season Seven
My new annual tradition.
This is built for D&D, Pathfinder, etc. but you can easily swap out the items for things that fit your campaign and system of choice.
Here is a hi-res version
Happy Holidays, everyone.
Look for more previews through December and then in January… NEW ARC. NEW MANY THINGS.
Awesome! Merry Christmas!
Climbing a rope made of holly…
The best kind.
If you unthreaded that rope I bet you’d have a really impressive floss.
11-15 is the best possible result. Everything else is either useless or consumable and cheap as fuck.
Except if you’re a rogue. Cloak of Elvenkind is great for stealth checks.
Oh, and the Ring of X-Ray Vision is great for planning ambushes through closed doors.
And well, who doesn’t want a rope that won’t come untied unless you want it to?
My gaming group meets tomorrow night. I owe them something nice for us taking hiatus for a month and a half because of holidays and moving. This’ll do nicely. And I’ll certainly post the shenanigans that come as a result of it.
I rolled a 20 and saw that which cannot be unseen. Character death due to SAN loss from seeing a half-orc necromancers underwear.
I had that happen to a character once, only in his case not so bad, he was also a half-orc….
oh, and it was a female necromancer half-orc…
Hope you had a good christmas and new year Brian! Really looking forward to the next arc, and enjoying all the Karthun art.
My players are all level 2 so I might wait till next year before letting them have the voucher 😛
Did a bit of alteration to the ticket, but a player wound up with a Pin that sometimes gives a benefit but most of the time makes the weather weird and creatures attack you at night unless you let it teleport you someplace at random.